High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic machine is a non-invasive treatment, electromagnetic procedure that can eliminate fat cells and tighten muscles in your abs and butt. All you have to do is lie down at your dermatologist's office, get hooked up to a machine, and sit back and relax as it emits electromagnetic pulses that strengthen your muscle fibers and burn unwanted fat.
Safe and Comfortable Treatment
(HIPEM) High-Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Technology It's like doing 20,000 crunches or squats in just 30 minutes without the hard work and sweat 30-Minute Treatments Treatments are quick and can be performed during a lunch break. Clinically Proven Fully tested in 7 independent studies for safety and effectiveness.
1. Increase in muscle mass up to 33%.
2. Each session is a 30 minute treatment on one particular area of the body. If you're working on multiple body parts, like
the abdominal and the buttock areas, that will require two 30 minute sessions. spaced two or three days apart for optimal
results. hiemt ems 12 machine ed small applicators mts chair 2021.
3. Safe, simple and fast
The treatment is performed with patient lying down and is extremely comfortable for him or her. A session generally lasts
between 20 and 30 minutes. As a result of the non-invasive and virtually painless treatment, the patient can resume his or her normal daily activities immediately after the treatment.