Air-based treatment suit: using the rolling and squeezing force to massage body, it can unblock
meridians and collaterals and balance yin and yang. After use, muscles will be relaxed, joints will
be more flexible, you will be refreshed and fatigue will be relieved. So, it can play an important
role in keeping health.
1. Use airbag to compress leg and foot by simulating manual squeezing, pressing and kneading.
2. Choose proper treatment based on your own needs.
3. Safe. 36V safe voltage is applied here.
4. The Nixie tubes are used here, making users easily operate this machine and control all parameters.
5. It adopts advanced technique to ensure each air chamber is airtight.
6. Based on advanced technology, this machine can provide humanized treatment for users, in which you can preset this machine for treatment time, treatment parts, treatment direction, and even gentle/heavy/quick/slow massaging technique.
7. There are a total of 24 air chambers in the treatment suit, which guarantees higher treatment efficiency.
8. The treatment suit is made from special material, which makes it durable and easy to wash.
9. Painless and comfortable during the treatment.
10. No consumption, low cost and quick returns.
11. No skin unevenness, bleeding or swelling