Q1: Payment Terms
A: T/T(Bank Transfer), Western Union, Money Gram, Cash and Alibaba trade assurance.
Q2: Training & Delivery
A: User manual and the demo video will be offered once order confirmed. Shipment will be arranged within 5-7 working days after payment confirmed.
Q3: How many days it will take to ship to me?
A: Usually it takes about 3-7 working days by DHL/FedEx/UPS/TNT/EMS for door to door service.
Q4: How much tax should I pay if we import the machine from China?
A: Different countries' customs will charge different duty tax. Please do
consult your local department to check the duty before placing the order.
Q5: What should I do if the machine gets damaged when it arrives?
A: Please do open and check the machine when the express passes the package to you. And we will provide solution to solve the problem.
Q6: Any Technical Supports?
A: Professional technical supporting team is standby for timely service. Technical documents will be offered to you once needed. You could also contact us